Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Case of the Tuesdays

Work today was work.

Missed the gym today bc I had to study and I got lazy to go. Shame on me. oh the shame.

I totally turned down an opportunity to watch the live taping of Katie Morgan doing her Questions and Answer show on HBO. Abby Benemerito Lopez totally invited me today but of c ourse, its finals week. woop dee doo.

Finals week is seriously the worst week ever. Its basically an exam that shows a professor how much he has to curve on the class's exam. But whatever...I took one final yesterday and my next and last one for this tri-mester is Thursday.

I was able to make a study guide today and go over my notes for my exam. After dying and using my brain power, I decided to play Rockband. Played it for 3 hours. I know. lame.

But anyway, heres a picture that I took of my hand holding a giant glass cup. I shall call it, Hand on Cup. haha
isn't she cute. huh!? what?!

Good Day Sir.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Wow its been nearly a year?

WOW! it's been almost year since I've blogged on this! Well anyway, now I'm going to try to atleast try to blog on this daily.

My life has totally changed! Considering that I have graduated college, immediately went into graduate school and started working for my parents, and joined a gym! But I'm not going to write everything out this about this past year,thats just lame, and no one cares lol, I mean like, if you're really my friend, you would totally know whats going on in my life! LOL

So I signed up for the TD Bank NYC Bike Tour on May 2nd. Its a 42 mile bike ride through ALL 5 boros of New York! I'm not a bike rider but I've been training. I can currently bike 25 miles in an hour which is pretty good. I started training last week. Hopefully I can keep up with this training and continue to improve my times.
I guess with this blog I'll update about how my training has been going.

Till I have more thoughts,
